Functional Friday:
3 stations:
KB Swings, 1.5 pood (about 53#)
Walking Lunges (OH with 35#, though I only did the first 2 rounds with weight, then ditched weight for a round, then went to a 10# overhead weight for the final round)
Wall Ball (10# Ball - these just felt really hard today, and normally wall ball and I are pretty tight.)
Here's the Drill:
15 reps on, then 10 second rest off. Repeat as many times as possible for 1:30 interval. Move to next station. 15 reps on, 10 seconds rest. Repeat as many times as possible for another 1:30 interval. Continue rotating thru stations for 20 minutes total.
I was averaging 2 rounds per interval on swings, just under 2 rounds per interval on walking lunges until I jettisoned the weight, then I was right at 2 rounds per interval, and I was at about 1.5 rounds per interval on wall ball until the final wall ball round, where I squeezed out 2 complete rounds.
I was happy, happy, happy to be able to the KB swings at the same weight as the boys. I wasn't real high in the swing--definitely Russian style, not American, but that's about my height with that weight KB when I'm not pregnant, and about as high as the guys were getting, so all in all I felt good about it!
I'm definitely getting bigger! My workout top kept rolling up in the middle of the workout!