Wednesday, May 20, 2009

PM: 400 meter + Squat WOD

Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
50 Squats


Ran first two rounds barefoot, stopped to put on socks for rounds 3 & 4. My goal was 12, so this isn't too bad, but even accounting for the socks I was running about 5-8 seconds slow per round. Every second counts, right? But, I love running in socks! It felt good.

Alison did this with me. She came in just a breath over 14:00. Mary timed us as we ran around behind childcare. She says we are inspiring, but I think she thinks we are kookie. Fun times.

Oh, and before I clocked out and did this WOD, I did some skill practice in one legged squats. I got two consecutive full depth squats on my left leg and one on my right. I was pretty stoked about this, because (a) one legged squats are badass and I have not yet been able to do them to depth and (b) I think it will look really cool in a photo in a few weeks.

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