Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Countdown to 30: 7 Days to Go

4/1: 157.0
4/2: 155.0
4/3: 155.2
4/4: 154.6
4/5: 154.8
4/6: 154.2
4/7: 153.2
4/8: 154.8
4/9: 152.6
4/10: 151.2
4/11: 153.2
4/12: 152.2
4/13: 152.2
4/14: 152.4
4/15: 153.2
4/16: 152.2
4/17: 152.0
4/18: 151.8
4/19: 152.0
4/20: 152.0
4/21: 152.0
4/22: 152.6
4/23: 151.4
4/24: 151.4
4/25: 151.6
4/26: 151.8
4/27: 151.6
4/28: 152.6

One week to go. That jump this AM isn't helping my chances of hitting 150 by 30, but I continue to push forward with clean eating and hard intense workouts. I love how I mouthed off about my extra couple hundred calories in yesterday's post, only to see a one pound increase on the scale this morning. Typical. Rarely should one miss an opportunity to keep one's mouth shut.

Today: Crossfit WOD: One rep max, shoulder press 1 - 1 - 1 - 1- 1 - 1 - 1
My Shoulder Press from the CF Total was 90, so that was my goal, but it just wasn't in the cards today.

75 - 80 - 85 (F) - 85 (F) - 80 - 80 - 80 - 85 (F) - 85 (F) - 80 - 80

I tried and tried but couldn't stick an 85, so 80 is what it was today. Could be my shoulders are a bit fatigued from the 105 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls yesterday.

Then I did some super fun (in retrospect) skill work.

5 rounds of 50 double unders. Each round for time with full recovery between rounds. Set it up this way because I wanted the met con aspect, but I wanted the skill work part too. I knew that 5 Rounds for Time straight thru would have just smoked me, so there would have been no form work by half way thru.

So as it was, I was pretty happy with my times:
Round 1: 3:30
Round 2: 2:03
Round 3: 1:51
Round 4: 1:51
Round 5: 2:03

Since double unders are really hard for me, I'm very happy with these times. I'll keep this practice up and next time the Filthy 50 comes around I'm doing it as Rx the whole way...no single under subs for me! :)

PM: I hit up the C2 rower to work on form and get a little sweaty. Kevin gave me tons of feedback and instruction last Friday, and I was excited to put his pointers into practice.

I rowed 5000 meters for time in 22:36, averaging a 2:24/500 which is not horrible, but after a few sessions I'd like to see a sub 20 on that distance. Worked hard on PULL and wore my ass out. Felt good.

With one week to go, it's time to get back on track with food (not that I've been bad, just eating more maintenance level calories than fat cutting level calories). Had a massive bowl of clams in a cherry tomato & dijon broth that absolutely blew my socks off and I went back for seconds. Rounded that out with a big bowl of strawberries. I am now super full and happy, but think it's unlikely to see the scale drop tomorrow.

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