Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hit It.

Crossfit's WOD was a 10K. How ironic that I went and ran 5 miles yesterday. Skipping that WOD, sorry.

Instead, I swam! Yeah, the pool is my friend again and it feels good to have gotten back in this past week. I warmed up for about 15 minutes, then swam 30 laps in 30 minutes. That's 1200 yards in 30 minutes. (My short-pool is only 20 yds long, so 40 yds per full lap.) 1200 yds in 30 minutes seems like a pretty easy pace, but towards the end I was pushing to make up time, so the last third of the swim was definitely quicker than the first.

After the swim, I met up with my friend Rosemary for a weight workout. She skipped out on the group class to come bang weights with me in the big boy room, and I'm so glad she did! It was really nice to work out with someone again, and RM is quite strong for a cardio junkie. ;)

I did have one "why the hell did I say that?" moments when RM and I were at one end of the weight room pausing between sets of walking lunges. There was a guy-middle age, in good shape--doing bicep curls by swinging his entire back, torso, shoulders and hips into the move. I'm talking about the type of lifting form only a Sports Medicine Doc with a lot of bills to pay could love. So I look up at RM and say "See that? Don't ever do that. He's lifting that weight with his dick. If I put him up against a wall and locked in his elbows he'd have to go down in weight." So I'm pretty sure he heard me, because he gave me a super dirty look. Was is the thing about dick-lifting?

Anyhow, here's what RM and I did:

Superset 12 x 3
Leg Press
Sumo Squat Jump

Superset 12 x 3
Walking Lunge 50 steps
Wide Leg DB Deadlift

Superset 12 x 3
Alternating Chest Press on Med Ball
Elevated Pushups (20 pushups per set)

Superset 12 x 4
Wood Chop Up Cable (2 sets per side)
Wood Chop Down Cable (2 sets per side)

Shoulder Out-and-Around 12 x 3
Bicep 21's 12 x 3

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