Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cardio, Sweet Cardio

Ran five miles in 2 chunks, with a stop in the middle at my girlfriend Deanne's place to watch her kidlets splash in the pool. Fun!

Focused on running form and feel I'm making improvements (strides, if you will) but it's going to take consistent, diligent effort to get up to the place where I'm comfortable with a 10K. In training for the sprint tri, I did multiple workouts at 2 and 3 times race distance in the swim and on the bike. I never ran more than 5K, ever. Never did overdistance training, never pushed my boundries in running. Why? Um, I don't like running. I don't feel good at it. I feel like if I push myself really really hard fr a very long time I might still not feel good at it, and that nags at me.

But then I remind myself that I used to be unable to swim two laps. I taught myself to be comfortable in the water, learned how to swim, and now I really like it. If I can learn to like swimming and can feel confident and competent in that skill, then I can learn just about anything. Maybe even how to run.

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